Grab some firewood before you go camping, to the lake or plan to travel in your motorhome.
Pinon, Cedar, Alligator Juniper, Aspen, Alder, Ash, Willow, Oak Firewood.
Aspen, Alder, Ash, Willow, Oak are hardwoods and will burn really hot with no sap to clog up the chimney flue.
It is split in nice sizes, burns really hot, nice and slow and smells wonderful in the house.
All wood is cut in 16 to 20 inch lengths and split into nice smaller sizes that are easier to carry. I also have smaller lengths for wood stoves and kiva fireplaces.
Here is a guide for standard amounts, but I can sell as much as you would like.
$65.00 ~ 1/4 Cord
$130.00 ~ 1/2 Cord
I can sell 3/4 cords and full cords or as much as you would like.
Contact Benjamin @
I will deliver to outside Albuquerque: (Belen, Los Lunas, Edgewood, Moriarity, Santa Fe, etc)
Location: Albuquerque