2014 BMW S 1000 RR TRI COLOR BEAUTIFUL BIKE! 2014 S1000RR RED/WHITE/BLACK PAINT SCHEME ONLY 3500 MILES LIKE NEW!When we build a superbike we have no time at all for second best. Presenting the extremely latest in racing power the 2014 S 1000 RR. With an aluminum bridge-type frame radial brakes a very sporty tail-up nose-down design hot colors and the utmost mix of electronic rider assistance. Never prior to has it been so easy to keep a lot power under control. the RR consists of four riding modes that adjust power shipment throttle response Race ABS action and even Dynamic Traction Control (optional equipment). This is as real on public roads as it is on the racetrack. Motorbikes Sport 6501 PSN. A race shown sport bike for the roadway. the RR is a full-blooded racing bike even though it can be ridden with a number plate connected ...
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